General Information Regarding Morphology Campus:
The Morphological centre is located near The Kyrgyz State Medical Academy Main Campus. Faculty Secretary, the central library, 9 Departments, 4 Disciplines and some administrative offices are located in this building.
It is the campus of the university designed for delivering practical classes in the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Pathology
- Pathological Physiology
- Pathological Anatomy
- Histology
- Economics
- Biology
→ Normal Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Microbiology, epidemiology, Nursing and Health Care etc. subjects are taught in the main building of Kyrgyz state medical academy.
⇒ The Library containing over 30,000 written and printed materials, covers 684 square meters with a reading room with 250 person capacity.
There is two studying room available for self-study. It is very spacious with broad and comfortable reading areas. A wireless network connection is also provided. The collection of the Library consists of books, theses and periodicals.
⇒ Besides a two-storied conference room with 800 person capacity, there are four other meeting rooms and two big reading halls for students.
There is also a computer library so that students can study from a computer.
⇒ At the backyard of the building, there is a sports complex with basketball, tennis and volleyball facilities where various sports activities are performed.
⇒ On the downstairs, there is some area designed for self-study.
⇒ A canteen is available within morphology campus to serve students.
Anatomy Lab at Kyrgyz State Medical Academy:
About The Department of Anatomy:
The Anatomy Department of Kyrgyz State Medical Academy instructs courses in anatomy- the oldest theoretical medical system and the basis of medical morphology. Courses are trained in all types of medical and non-medical (health care) degree programmes at the undergraduate level.
Anatomy courses for students of the General Medicine degree take place over three semesters and consist of a theoretical component (lectures) and practical tuition based on anatomic dissection.
Accurate knowledge of anatomy and the structural topography of organs (including their variability) is an indispensable precondition of all medical practice. Students in the third year of the General Medicine programme study a course in Topographical Anatomy, which also supports and prepare students for their final examinations. Kyrgyz State Medical University has Second Largest Plastination Museum in the world.
Practical training uses human cadavers provided by donors based on agreements to donate bodies for scientific/teaching purposes.
Museum of Plastination in Kyrgyz State Medical Academy:
The organizer of the KSMU Plastination Museum is the rector of KSMU prof. Akylbekov I. K., assoc. Abaeva T. S., prof. Gabitov V. Kh. The Museum of Plastination of KSMU was established on May 23, 1998. Unique is the fact that the Museum of Plasticization exists only in 2 countries of the world: in Germany (Heidelberg), and Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek). Currently, the funds of the Museum of Plasticity have more than 2000 exhibits that cover all sections of the course of normal and topographic anatomy.
Preparations saved by the method of plastination have all the characteristics of a natural object of the human body, with complete preservation of the morphology of the organs. They can be stored free at room temperature and normal pressure, without losing their visual properties. In counting, the materials used in the plastination process lead to relative sterilization of the preparations.