Subjects (1-20) | Subjects (21-40) | Subjects (41-59) |
Obstetrics and Gynecology | Radiology | Allergology and Immunology |
Rehabilitology | Anesthesiology and resuscitation science | Pulmonology |
Medical and social expertise | Reflexotherapy | Gastroenterology |
Hematology | Cardiosurgery | Genetics |
Emergency (acute care) | Geriatrics | Sports medicine |
Common hygiene | Stomatology | Dermatovenereology |
Combustiology | Pediatric surgery | General dentistry |
Dietetics | Surgery dentistry | Infectious diseases |
Children’s stomatology | Cardiology | Orthodontology |
Cosmetology | Orthopedic dentistry | Sanitary and hygienic laboratory diagnostics |
Therapy | Clinical laboratory diagnostics | Toxicology |
Therapeutic physical training | Neurology | Transfusiology |
Nephrology | Ultrasonic diagnostics | Vascular surgery |
Urology | Oncology | Physiotherapy |
Otorhinolaryngology | Phthisiology | Ophthalmology |
Functional diagnostics | Parasitology | Surgery |
Pathologic anatomy | Oral surgery | Pediatrics |
Endocrinology | Neonatology | Endoscopy |
Proctology | Epidemiology | Professional pathology |
Public health organization | Psychiatry | Radio endovascular surgery |
Narcology | Transplantology | Psychotherapy |
General medical practice |