The Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after the outstanding surgeon Isa Konoevich Akhunbaev is the only specialized state higher educational institution in the field of medical and pharmaceutical personnel training in Kyrgyzstan. It was founded in 1939 and, over the past years, has trained about 40 thousand doctors. Currently, in the Academy study more than 6,000 students, clinical residents and interns, including those from near and far abroad countries.
Today, in KSMA work over 800 highly qualified teachers, among them academicians and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, foreign academies, doctors and candidates of sciences, as well as honored doctors, honored scientists, honored workers of public health and education of Kyrgyzstan. Higher and postgraduate training is carried out at 55 departments, of which 21 – theoretical and 34 – clinical. Training is conducted in the clinics, training centers and auditoriums of the university, equipped with modern medical equipment and tools, tested in major universities in Europe, in accordance with the new state standards of the third generation.
Welcome to the I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy!
Only entrants who have passed nationwide testing (ОРТ) are allowed to participate in the competition for budget and contract training at I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy.
Citizens of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belorussia and Tajikistan for admission to a university on a budgetary basis can participate in nationwide testing (ОРТ) – and citizens of any other countries – for training on a contract basis.
The threshold point for budgetary and contractual forms of education is determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The following documents are submitted to the admission committee after passing through the competition to the selection committee:
– an application addressed to the rector of KSMA;
– the original certificate of the nationwide testing;
– document on secondary education;
– 2 photos (4×6 cm), 4 photos (3×4 cm);
– a military ticket or a certificate of registration;
– copy of passport or identity card;
– medical certificate 086-У (for citizens of other states);
– local municipal statement of residence (for citizens of other states)
Non-resident students are provided with a hostel.
We are waiting for you at the address: 720020, Bishkek, 92 Akhunbaeva Street, the main building of KSMA.
Dear entrants!
We ask you to be cautious and attentive when dealing with unfamiliar faces and scammers, which may be represented by contractors and firms for the provision of admissions services to KSMA. Clarify the names and data of officials and representatives.
Applicants from the far abroad must necessarily check whether the subcontractor has an official contract with an official representative for recruitment of foreign citizens for training at KSMA. ANY INFORMATION YOU CAN SPECIFY BY EMAIL: [email protected]