The faculty of General medicine in English language teaching was established on the base of Medical faculty in 2001. When developing the curriculums and study programs the experience of KSMA in working with foreigners, recommendations of WHO experts (prof. Z. Ozteca and prof. M. Alkana) were taken into consideration. There were created list of teachers of KSMA who speak English. They all have an individual interview to check their language proficiency.


The aim of creation of the faculty was a training of qualified specialists in the specialty “Medical Doctor”, who will speak English language to continue their professional activities abroad.

The main tasks of the faculty:

  • Meeting the needs of the society in qualified medical personnel with higher education and who is fluent in English;
  • Training of the staff proficient in English;
  • Distribution the knowledge among population, increasing the level of education;
  • accumulation, maintenance and augmentation of moral, scientific and cultural values of the society in the field of medical science;
  • Attracting additional funds for developing the medical education and medical science.


There are works on development of the faculty, enhancing the material and technical base, creation of staff potential, creation of favorable conditions for study in Kyrgyz Medical University and living of foreign students are conducted at the faculty. The study duration is 6 years in English language within module integrated system. Currently, 685 students study from India, Pakistan, Arabian countries, Korea, China etc. In addition, every year number of people wishing to enter this faculty is rising as well as the geography of the countries of incoming foreign students is also expanding. Graduates of the faculty receive the qualification of doctor in the specialty “General Medicine”. After graduation, students continue their study at of postgraduate studies – clinical residency and fellowship in Kyrgyzstan. However, most of graduates leave for home. Graduates of I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Acacdemy have the highest rate of the confirmation of their level of knowledge among the medical schools of Kyrgyzstan. Information about achievments. Students of the faculty actively participate in social, scientific and cultural life of the Academy. Students repeatedly took top places in local and international scientific conferences and Olympiads. Annually the faculty actively takes part in the preparation and holding of the gala evening “Dedication to students” Favorable and multicultural atmosphere allow to students celebrate their national holidays every year. In addition, students always celebrate local national holidays with great endeavor in solidarity. In September-October and May students, pass medical examination in order to prevent any illnesses. On March 21st students always participate in the celebration of the main national holiday Nooruz, where they always demonstrate interesting performances.

It was established on the basis of Department for the General Medicine with English Language that was opened in 2001 in Kyrgyz Medical University. Graduates of the Faculty obtain the qualification of physician in the specialty “General Medicine”. Education is instructed in English by the integrated system. The duration of study is 5 years.

NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR SUBMISSION TO THE ADMISSION COMMISSION for admission to the Faculty for foreign citizens (“General Medicine” program)

  • passport with entry visa corresponding to requirements of legislation of the KR and its copy;
  • original document on complete secondary general education with specifying studied subjects and grades (marks);
  • notarized translation of the document on  complete secondary general education into the official language of the KR;
  • reference from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic regarding equivalency of complete secondary general education;
  • medical certificate of health certifying absence of medical contraindications for study (#086/у), with the results of HIV, viral hepatitis B, C, D, malaria, and the result of fluorography;
  • 6 photos 4 x 6 cm.
  • receipt for payment of documents acceptance;
  • other documents required at the request of the country of origin for admission of foreign citizens to foreign medical institutions (for example, a certificate of consent for studying abroad from the Medical Council of India);


Foreign citizens who enter to the first year of study at the “Faculty for foreign citizens” passes entry examination in the form of tests (in English) in the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry and oral interview in English.